A Trip Down Memory Lane...

The Pre-Historic Period

Though none of us were around while you grew up during the prehistoric era, we still got our hands on some of your best moments from the history textbooks :)

“Count your age by friends, not years.” —John Lennon

Grade 10

I remember the first time I met you. We were in the same orientation group and we sat beside each other. Although we talked a little, I would have never imagined us becoming such close friends. However, I am very thankful that we did become friends and you have truly made me a better person <3

“A true friend is for ever a friend.” —George MacDonald

Grade 11

Woah the start of grade 11 was more than a year ago, yet I remember what happened as clear as yesterday. Through the ups and downs of grade 11, we definitly became closer than ever. All of us in Full IB together. And even though you left at the end, the memories made along the way are forever.

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” —Henry Ford

Grade 12

It's crazy how we're already three months into school. In a bit more than six months we'll all be graduating. Though theres no gaurentee that we all end up at the same school, I'm confident that we'll continue to stay in touch. However until our potential seperation, lets continue to make more memories together!

"I would rather walk with a friend in the dark than walk alone in the light." — Helen Keller

And Hopefully Many More Memories To Come!


Once again, Happy Birthday Josh!

Thank you for being such an amazing friend. You are always around for us and I feel so lucky to be able to call you my friend. I can't wait for what the rest of our friendship will bring.

I really wanted to give you something but since I haven't been able to decide on a physical present, I thought I'd make this site of memories. Sorry that this website isnt a bit more extravagent as I only thought of this yesterday... (and HTML, CSS, and Javascript are not for me) :p. I hope you are fine with waiting a little bit longer before you get your actual gift :)

Wishing you a fantastic 18th birthday!

Thank you to Bill, Roy, and Julianna (and even you Josh) for all the photos and for making this all possible.


Heheheha you scrolled to the end. Here are some of my favourite out of context Josh quotes.